Pengertian Conditional Sentence ( Kalimat Pengandaian ) Rumus dan Contoh kalimatnya
Sentence atau kalimat pengandaian adalah kalimat yang digunakan untuk
menyatakan peristiwa/ perbuatan yang bias terjadi atau mungkin tidak bisa
terjadi .
Sentence terdiri atas kalimat majemuk (compound sentence), yaitu kalimat yang
terdiri atas Main Clause (klausa utama atau induk kalimat ) dan Subordinate
Clause (klausa pelengkap/ anak kalimat). Kedua kalimat ini dihubungkan
dengan kata depan (Preposisi)“ If (jika) ”.
B. Rumus Conditional Sentence Type 1.
Mendeskripsikan situasi pengandaian yang mana situasiny
hanya ada di imajinasi kita saja, tidak nyata. Klausa if ditemani oleh kalimat
simple past.
+ Subject + verb-1, Subject + will + verb 1 atau
+ will + infintive, If + Subject + verb1.
Kalimat Conditional Sentence Type 1.
1. She will arrive here on time if she ride her bike in
2. If they don’t come to my birthday party, I will send
them a message.
3. She will have much money if she work hard.
4. Adri will go on to school on time if he wake up
5. Jimmy will be the winner if he finish the race at the
C. Rumus Conditional Sentence type 2.
Mendeskripsikan situasi pengandaian di masa lalu dan tidak
mungkin bisa terjadi karena sudah berlalu. Klausa if ditemani oleh kalimat past
+ S + V2 +objek , + S + Would + Verb 1 + Objek
+ Would + Verb , If + S+ V2 + Objek
Kalimat Conditional Sentence Type 2.
1. If I were a bird,I would fly to the mount everest
2. You would not be here, If she did not help you.
3. We would not win the game, if we didn’t work together
as a team.
4. My mother would not worry, if I went with you
5. If I were a superman, I would safe you everyday
D. Fungsi
Conditional Sentence Type 3.
kalimat pengandaian yang mungkin bisa terjadi namun kemungkinan untuk
terjadi sangat kecil karena peristiwa tersebut sudah terjadi di waktu
lampau. Mendeskripsikan
prediksi tentang apa yang akan terjadi di masa depan. Klausa if
ditemani oleh kalimat simple present.
+ S + had + Verb 3, S + would + have + Verb 3 atau
+ would + have + Verb 3, If + S + had + Verb 3
Kalimat Conditional Sentence Type 3.
1. If I had had much money, I would have bought a new
house in jakarta.
2. She would have graduated from university if she had
finished final exam.
3. If John had driven his car carefully, we would not
have got an accident.
4. If had been a big boss, I would have a new office in
new York.
5. My father would have been here, if the flight had not
been canceled.
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